
bla примеры

bla перевод  


  1. On 12 August 1997 the Ler-der-poo villager Saw Bla Daya was allegedly arrested and executed by a military column led by Khin Maung Win.
    12 августа 1997 года Со Бла Дайя, житель деревни Лер-дер-поо, был, как утверждают, подвергнут аресту и казнен участниками военной колонны, возглавляемой Кхин Маунг Вин.
  2. In an effort to rescue soldiers captured by the BLA, American troops launched an operation with airborne troops that also included bombings that left eight people dead and 19 injured.
    Она вылилась в дополнительные бомбардировки, в результате которых было убито как минимум 8 человек и ранено 19.
  3. And there is just no need in bla bla bla today about different attitudes of the Georgian leaders and common Georgians to us. Meanwhile not so long ago in 1992 the attitude of both state leaders and common people to Russia was very friendly.
    А ведь еще в 1992 г. отношение к России как руководства страны, так и обычных людей было самым дружеским.
  4. And there is just no need in bla bla bla today about different attitudes of the Georgian leaders and common Georgians to us. Meanwhile not so long ago in 1992 the attitude of both state leaders and common people to Russia was very friendly.
    А ведь еще в 1992 г. отношение к России как руководства страны, так и обычных людей было самым дружеским.
  5. And there is just no need in bla bla bla today about different attitudes of the Georgian leaders and common Georgians to us. Meanwhile not so long ago in 1992 the attitude of both state leaders and common people to Russia was very friendly.
    А ведь еще в 1992 г. отношение к России как руководства страны, так и обычных людей было самым дружеским.


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