black: 1) черный цвет, чернота2) черная краска, чернь3) черное платье, траурное платье4) грязь, сажа; черное пятно; Ex: you have some black on your hand у вас на руке что-то черное5) чернокожий6) негр7) _ш
Now the rebels on their part when they had reached the gate in the circular walls of Blachernae, burst its lock and thus had free access to the royal stables. Мятежники же достигли ворот, находящихся у переднего вала Влахерн 223, разбили замки и бесстрашно вошли в императорские конюшни.
Actually Maria Vladimirovna was one of the richest women of time. In 1050th Emperors of New Rome have constructed in Tsar Grad for the Virgin a palace in Blachernae where she on a regular basis stopped. Фактически Мария Владимировна была одной из самых богатейших женщин своего времени.
However, there exists a legend telling that two icons of Blachernae were sent to Moscow. One of them went to the Dormition Cathedral at the Moscow Kremlin, while the other one was hosted by the church of Blachernae in Kuzminki. Однако существует предание, что в Москву были присланы две Влахернские иконы.
However, there exists a legend telling that two icons of Blachernae were sent to Moscow. One of them went to the Dormition Cathedral at the Moscow Kremlin, while the other one was hosted by the church of Blachernae in Kuzminki. Однако существует предание, что в Москву были присланы две Влахернские иконы.