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caecilian перевод

"caecilian" примеры
  • герп.
    червяга; pl настоящие червяги (Caeciliidae), pl бесхвостые червяги (Caeciliidae)
    - aquatic caecilian
    - black caecilian
    - glutinous caecilian
    - mud-dwelling caecilian
    - nontailed caecilians
    - ringed caecilian
    - sharp-nosed caecilian
    - tailed caecilians
    - uniform caecilian
    - Usambara bluish-gray caecilian
    - yellow-striped caecilian
  • Some of these wealthy men, heiresses and widows had already become orthodox Catholics by the mid-fourth century; in addition there were many large-scale local landowners identified with the Caecilian party and, of course, with imperial authority.
    Первоначально монашество развивалось в среде просто народной, но уже во второй половине IV в. в его рядах насчитываются и многие просвещенные люди.
    имя существительное
  • any of the small slender limbless burrowing wormlike amphibians of the order Gymnophiona; inhabit moist soil in tropical regions
    Синонимы: blindworm,

  • прилагательное
  • of or relating to or belonging to the family Caeciliidae