Looking careworn, she left the room. Ron still seemed slightly punch-drunk; he was shaking his head experimentally like a dog trying to rid its ears of water. Рон все еще выглядел шокированным; он тряс головой, как собака, пытающаяся избавиться от воды в ушах.
He was not remotely pleased to see Fudge, whose occasional appearances, apart from being downright alarming in themselves, generally meant that he was about to hear some very bad news. Furthermore, Fudge was looking distinctly careworn. Он совсем не рад был видеть Фаджа, чьи нечастые визиты, которые и так были довольно тревожными, обычно означали очень плохие новости.
He was not remotely pleased to see Fudge, whose occasional appearances, apart from being downright alarming in themselves, generally meant that he was about to hear some very bad news. Furthermore, Fudge was looking distinctly careworn. Он не был очень рад видеть Фаджа, чьи случающиеся время от времени появления, сами по себе сигнализирующие неприятности, в большинстве случаев означали, что он собирается услышать очень плохие новости.
He was not remotely pleased to see Fudge, whose occasional appearances, apart from being downright alarming in themselves, generally meant that he was about to hear some very bad news. Furthermore, Fudge was looking distinctly careworn. Он не был очень рад видеть Фаджа, чьи случающиеся время от времени появления, сами по себе сигнализирующие о неприятностях, в большинстве случаев означали, что он узнавал очень плохие новости.
showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering; "looking careworn as she bent over her mending"; "her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness"; "that raddled but still noble face"; "shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face"- Charles Dickens Синонимы: drawn, haggard, raddled, worn,