New product is released to the American market on Fridays. Как правило, новые диски выпускаются на американский музыкальный рынок по вторникам.
In total, eight regular season games will be played on Fridays and 16 will be played on Saturdays. Планируется восьминедельный регулярный сезон, в котором состоятся восемь игр, все игры пройдут в воскресенье в разных местах.
The airline will operate flights to the new destination twice a week – on Mondays and Fridays. Tickets for the flights can be booked starting from Wednesday, 17 August. Билеты на авиарейсы можно приобрести со среды, 17 августа.
Currently the news is aired once per week, on Fridays. According to the TV director Germane Salia, the decline is due to the financial crisis. "We face financial problems. Директор канала Германэ Салиа связывает это изменение с финансовым кризисом.
Both companies have entered in the list of staff practice casual Fridays — free from a dress-code of day of week — and by means of mass-media have imposed to its all business community. Обе компании ввели в расписание практику casual fridays — свободного от дресс-кода дня недели — и с помощью СМИ навязали ее всему бизнес-сообществу.
Both companies have entered in the list of staff practice casual Fridays — free from a dress-code of day of week — and by means of mass-media have imposed to its all business community. Обе компании ввели в расписание практику casual fridays — свободного от дресс-кода дня недели — и с помощью СМИ навязали ее всему бизнес-сообществу.
Buses operate Sunday till Thursday, on Fridays till about an hour before Shabbat and on Saturday nights from one hour after Shabbat. Night lines in Jerusalem, such as the 106, 107, 102 and 103 run mainly on weekends and during vacation time. Ночные маршруты, такие как №106, 107, 102 и 103 ходят, в основном, на выходных и во время праздников.