It is probable that she specifically had Juwayriyah and Zaynab bint Jahsh in mind. Вероятно, она имела в виду Джувайрийю и Зайнаб бинт Джахш.
After this Muhammad married Zaynab bint Jahsh and Mariyah, an Egyptian slave woman of Coptic origins. Затем Мухаммад берет в жены Зайнаб бинт Джахш и Марию, египетскую рабыню и коптскую уроженку.
It appears that his marriage with Zaynab bint Jahsh was the chief cause of jealousy between them and an incident is recorded in his life where Ayishah and Hafsah are said to have colluded in obliging him to decrease the attention he was paying to her. Предание гласит, что брак Мухаммада с Зайнаб бинт Джахш явился основной причиной ревности между его женами.
It appears that his marriage with Zaynab bint Jahsh was the chief cause of jealousy between them and an incident is recorded in his life where Ayishah and Hafsah are said to have colluded in obliging him to decrease the attention he was paying to her. Записан случай из жизни пророка, когда Айша и Хафса тайно сговорились, пытаясь заставить его оказывать Зайнаб меньше внимания.