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knew перевод

"knew" примеры
  • 1) _p. от know
  • Along with "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye", it is one of the most graphic of all Irish folk songs that deal with sickness and injuries caused by warfare.
    Наряду с "Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye", произведение является одной из самых выразительных ирландских народных песен, рассказывающей о болезнях и увечьях, полученных в результате войны.
  • A spokesman for Aberdeen F.C. disputed Glasgow's claim to the character, citing the episodes "Scuse Me While I Miss The Sky" and "The Dad Who Knew Too Little".
    Пресс-секретарь футбольного клуба Абердин оспорил претензии Глазго на символ, ссылаясь на эпизоды Scuse Me While I Miss The Sky и The Dad Who Knew Too Little.
  • Pressing records turned out to be a simple matter; "I just looked in the phone book under record pressing plants and there was one there", Ginn recalled, "and so I just took it to them and I knew about printing because I had always done catalogs."
    Издание альбомов оказалось простым делом; "Я как раз заглянул в телефонную книгу под штамповкой и там была одна вещь", вспоминал Гинн, "and so I just took it to them and I knew about printing because I had always done catalogs."