manga: "манга" (японские комиксы; часто лежат в основе мультфильмов в жанре anime) I'd purchase a manga volume or two at a time based solely on cute cover art, having no idea whatsoever what
"Yesterday in a restaurant I smashed some guy in the puss," con fessed the transformed poet manfully. Вчера в ресторане я одному типу по морде засветил, — мужественно признался преображенный поэт.
There, holding his head manfully erect, he would sit, a faint smile of self-satisfaction playing occasionally over his lips. Изредка он гордо вскидывал голову, и на губах его играла тонкая, самодовольная усмешка.
A little pale with seasickness, but manfully combating it, Pouzauges laid out a map on the cabin table and explained the plan. Де Пюзож, бледноватый от морской болезни, которую, впрочем, мужественно превозмогал, разложил в каюте на столе карты и объяснил план.
‘The oars were now wielded by free men, and manfully they laboured; yet slowly we passed up the Great River, for we strove against its stream, and though that is not swift down in the South, we had no help of wind. За веслами сидели теперь свободные люди, они выби вались из сил, но ветер и течение были против нас.
in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man; "having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home" Синонимы: manly, manly,
in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man; "having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home" Синонимы: manly, manly,