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smilingly перевод

"smilingly" примеры
  • нареч. смеясь С
  • “The fight’s started, Kenshin,” the elf remarked smilingly to the red-haired warrior next to him, who looked like a newbie.
    Бой начинается, Кеншин, — с лёгкой улыбкой пояснил эльф рыжему воину рядом с ним, походившему на новичка.
  • I walked smilingly past Rose Team, after them were the members of Dark Emperor. Ming Huang’s arrogance seemed like he still required more discipline, Feng Wu Qing with his irritatingly fake charming air, and Wicked had his usual icy expression, only his eyes showed his concern and anxiousness.
    Я с улыбкой прошла мимо команды Розы. За ними стояли Чёрные Призраки. Высокомерный Мин Хуан так и напрашивался на наказание. Бессердечный Ветер в раздражающе поддельной атмосфере очарования.
  • with smiles; in a smiling manner; "the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together"

  • with smiles; in a smiling manner; "the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together"