expiate: 1) _книж. искупать (грех); заглаживать (вину) Ex: to expiate the act with one's life искупить проступок своей жизнью Ex: to expiate an affront загладить оскорбление
But he failed. The cross and grace have overcome the evil one through the sinlessness of Christ and His eternally valid expiatory sacrifice. Крест и обретенная на нём милость победили врага душ человеческих безгрешностью Христа и Его вечно действующей искупительной Жертвой.
The cunning prosecutor, who afterwards continued to bring accusation against the ones he had misled, had lost his right of prosecution following the expiatory death of Christ. После заместительной смерти Христа клеветник, всё ещё клеветавший на обольщенных, потерял свое право обвинителя.
He is their expiatory sacrifice and their High Priest in one person. Jesus remains for His entire flock the sole Mediator and High Priest. Only through Him, with Him, and in Him do they have justification, access to the throne, and eternal life. Только через Него, с Ним и в Нём мы имеем оправдание, доступ к престолу и жизнь вечную.
having power to atone for or offered by way of expiation or propitiation; "expiatory (or propitiatory) sacrifice" Синонимы: expiative, propitiatory,