The Community of Christ does not view scripture, including the Bible, as inerrant. Содружество Христа не рассматривает писание, включая Библию, как нечто не имеющее погрешностей.
Taken together, these were hardly the ideal source for a perfect, inerrant compilation. Все это вместе взятое вряд ли было идеальным материалом для безупречного компилирования Корана.
I was filled with great passion for Christ, jumping up and down, singing praises to His name and talking to Him day and night. I would not even sleep without God's inerrant Word, the Bible, next to my chest. Я не мог даже спать без Божьего сокровенного Слова, Библии возле груди.
not liable to error; "the Church was...theoretically inerrant and omnicompetent"-G.G.Coulton; "lack an inerrant literary sense"; "an unerring marksman" Синонимы: inerrable, unerring,