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shortly перевод

Произношение: [ 'ʃɔ:tli ]  Голос
"shortly" примеры
  • 1) скоро, вскоре
    Ex: he will come shortly он скоро придет
    Ex: shortly after noon вскоре после полудня

    2) кратко, сжато, в нескольких словах
    Ex: to put it shortly короче говоря
    Ex: to tell a story shortly рассказать историю в двух словах

    3) резко, отрывисто; грубо
    Ex: to answer shortly отвечать отрывисто
    Ex: to take smb. up shortly грубо оборвать кого-либо

    4) _редк. недолго
  • Shortly after, Miles and Ennes fell severely ill.
    Вскоре после этого Майлз и Эннес серьёзно заболели.
  • Shortly after, the naval vessels left the area.
    Вскоре после этого военные корабли покинули данный район.
  • He and Andy begin a relationship shortly after.
    Она и Тед вскоре после этого начинают встречаться.
  • The American aircraft landed shortly before 9.00 p.m.
    Американский самолет приземлился чуть раньше 9 часов вечера.
  • Details will be announced shortly before the Seminar.
    Более подробные сведения будут представлены незадолго до семинара.
  • The ambulance arrived shortly after within 20 minutes.
    Машина скорой помощи прибыла только через 18 минут.
  • The remaining elements should be in place shortly.
    Недостающие элементы должны быть добавлены в ближайшее время.
  • It was followed shortly by the Nehalem microarchitecture.
    Осуществлена доработка решений, впервые применённых в микроархитектуре Nehalem.
  • We expect the review to conclude very shortly.
    Мы рассчитываем завершить этот пересмотр в ближайшее время.
  • The brothel owner escaped shortly after her arrest.
    Хозяйка этого публичного дома сбежала вскоре после ареста.
  • Больше примеров:  1  2  3  4  5
  • in the near future; "the doctor will soon be here"; "the book will appear shortly"; "she will arrive presently"; "we should have news before long"
    Синонимы: soon, presently, before long, soon, presently, before long,

  • for a short time; "he was at the airport shortly before she was expected to arrive"

  • at a short distance; "the hem fell shortly below her knees"

  • in a concise manner; in a few words; "the history is summed up concisely in this book"; "she replied briefly"; "briefly, we have a problem"; "to put it shortly"
    Синонимы: concisely, briefly, in brief, in short, concisely, briefly, in brief, in short,

  • in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn''t like it"
    Синонимы: curtly, short, curtly, short,

  • in the near future; "the doctor will soon be here"; "the book will appear shortly"; "she will arrive presently"; "we should have news before long"
    Синонимы: soon, presently, before long, soon, presently, before long,

  • for a short time; "he was at the airport shortly before she was expected to arrive"

  • at a short distance; "the hem fell shortly below her knees"

  • in a concise manner; in a few words; "the history is summed up concisely in this book"; "she replied briefly"; "briefly, we have a problem"; "to put it shortly"
    Синонимы: concisely, briefly, in brief, in short, concisely, briefly, in brief, in short,

  • in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn''t like it"
    Синонимы: curtly, short, curtly, short,