"Can you use that?" asked Caroline uncertainly, her teeth chattering. Может, это подойдет, — неуверенно сказала Кэролайн, лязгая зубами.
She left, and Harry and Ron gazed uncertainly at Dumbledore. Она вышла, а Гарри и Рон неуверенно посмотрели на Дамблдора.
Poems are uncertainly attributed to him. О нём сохранилось крайне мало сведений.
He looked uncertainly at Lupin. Он посмотрел не решительно на Люпина.
But she plays the right uncertainly. Но справа она играет неуверенно.
Neurotic looked uncertainly towards the sound and saw a pretty female mage running over. Неуверенно обернувшись на звук, Вспылка увидел прелестную магиню, убегающую от кого-то.
Hermione stood nervously between them, looking from one to the other. Ron opened his mouth uncertainly. Гермиона испуганно стояла посередине, переводя взгляд с одного на другого.
Uncertainly of the status of ocean spaces has intensified rivalry over the division of the polar territories. Неопределенность статуса океанических пространств обострила соперничество за раздел приполярных территорий.
The volcanics on Ellesmere Island has been uncertainly associated to both the early volcanic activity of the Iceland hotspot and the Alpha Ridge. Позднемеловые вулканы Элсмира иногда относят к ранней активности исландской горячей точки и к поднятию Альфа.
As well, due to subsurface heterogeneity, more uncertainly generally exists concerning the effectiveness of in-situ processes, and clean-up times tend to be longer than ex-situ treatments. Методы извлечения ртути in-situ проработаны в гораздо меньшей степени, чем методы ее извлечения ex-situ.
in an unsteady manner; "he walked unsteadily toward the exit"; "The wounded soldier was swinging unsteadily on his legs" Синонимы: unsteadily, falteringly, unsteadily, falteringly,
showing lack of certainty; "he paused uncertainly"
in an unsteady manner; "he walked unsteadily toward the exit"; "The wounded soldier was swinging unsteadily on his legs" Синонимы: unsteadily, falteringly, unsteadily, falteringly,
showing lack of certainty; "he paused uncertainly"