courses примеры
- Examples of RETScreen's use in academia can be found under the “Publications and Reports” and "University and College Courses" sections of the RETScreen newsletter, accessible through the User manual in the downloaded software.
Примеры использования RETScreen в академических кругах можно найти в разделах “Publications and Reports” и "University and College Courses" бюллетеня RETScreen Clean Energy Bulletin. - Mr. HERNDL (Country Rapporteur), acknowledging that paragraph 10 was too long, proposed deleting the phrase which started with “especially schoolchildren and women” and ended with “school curricula” and the words “by providing German language courses, counselling services and information”.
Г-н ХЕ? НДЛЬ, признавая, что пункт 10 является слишком длинным, предлагает исключить, начиная со второй строки, часть фразы со слов "especially school children and women" до слов "school curriculae" во второй-шестой строках, а также часть фразы "by providing German language courses, counseling services and information" в седьмой и восьмой строках.