In the second row, a dumpy wizard with a large black moustache leaned close to whisper in the ear of his neighbour, a frizzy-haired witch. Во втором ряду коренастый волшебник с пышными черными усами наклонился и прошептал что-то на ухо своей соседке, кудрявой ведьме.
short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature; "some people seem born to be square and chunky"; "a dumpy little dumpling of a woman"; "dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears"; "a little church with a squat tower"; "a squatty red smokestack"; "a stumpy ungainly figure" Синонимы: chunky, low-set, squat, squatty, stumpy,