woulff перевод
- wouldst: 1) _уст. 2-е л. ед.ч. прошедшего времени глагола will
- wouldn’t it be nice: Wouldn't It Be Nice
- wounaan language: Воун-меу
- wouldn’t change a thing: Wouldn't Change a Thing (Kylie Minogue song)
- wound: 1) рана, ранение Ex: green wound свежая (незажившая) рана Ex: wound in the arm ранение в руку Ex: wound of exit _мед. выходное отверстие раны Ex: wound healing заживление раны Ex: wound shock травма
- wouldnt: wouldn'tгл.; сокр.; разг. = would not (разговорное) сокр. отwould not wouldn't сокр. разг. = would not wouldn't сокр. разг. = wouldnotwouldn`tразг. = would notwouldntwouldn't: сокр. разг.
- wound badge: Нагрудный знак «За ранение»
- wouldn't touch someone or something with a barge-pole etc: expr infml After my last experience with him I wouldn't touch him with a barge-pole — После того, что он мне сделал, я не хочу иметь с ним ничего общего I wouldn't touch the food in this j
- wound ballistics: Раневая баллистика