activities примеры
- And Corr.1 and Add.1 activities.
и Corr.1 и Add.1 capacity-building activities. - And Corr.1 and Add.1 activities.
и Corr.1 и Add.1 capacitybuilding activities. - In August 1954, he was named Commanding Officer, Marine Barracks, United States Fleet Activities, Yokosuka, Japan, serving in this capacity until May 1956.
В августе 1954 он был назначен командиром казарм морской пехоты U.S. Fleet Activities, в Йокосука, Япония, где прослужил до мая 1956. - To make the text more readable, he also suggested replacing the words “exchange for information and cooperation” by “police cooperation” and deleting the words “and their activities”.
Кроме того, он предлагает дополнительно отредактировать текст, заменив во второй и третьей строке слова "exchange for information and cooperation" словами "police cooperation" и исключив в третьей строке фразу "and their activities".