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ê примеры

  • ??e??í? ? ?ì???ò ?e?ò? òü?? ?? óêe?òè? í? ????áè? ê? ê a Gears of War.
    Персонаж сможет прятаться за укрытия наподобие как в Gears of War.
  • Methods to ensure the transition to the use selective statistical observation procedures.
    ì?ò??è÷??ê?? ?á????÷?íè? ?e?????? ??e????? ê è????ü??a? íèt í??????í?? ì?ò???a ?ò? òè?òè÷??ê??? í? á?t??íè?.
  • Methods to ensure the transition to the use selective statistical observation procedures.
    ì?ò??è÷??ê?? ?á????÷?íè? ?e?????? ??e????? ê è????ü??a? íèt í??????í?? ì?ò???a ?ò? òè?òè÷??ê??? í? á?t??íè?.
  • The user can gain access to macrodata and metadata using a flexible search system.
    ???ü??a? ò??ü ?ì???ò ???ó÷èòü ???òó? ê ì? êe??? íí?ì, ì?ò? ?? íí?ì, è????ü?ó? ?èáêót ?è?ò?ìó ??è?ê? .
  • Technical requirements for anchors and anchoring equipment can be found in the “Schiffstechniksverordnung”, BGBl.
    à??òDè? 1. ò??íè÷??êè? òe?á?a? íè? ê ?ê?e?ì è ?ê?eí?ìó ?á?eó??a? íèt ?eèa???í? a “Schiffstechnikverordnung”, BGBI.
  • Ubisoft ?????í? a????è?? ?ù? ??èí í?a?é òe?é??e ??ò?a?ù?é?? ê a????ó è?e? Tom Clancy’s EndWar.
    Ubisoft Сегодня выложила ещё один новый трейлер готовящейся к выходу игры Tom Clancy’s EndWar.
  • To prevent this, spent nozzles are now melted down in the oxygen converters.
    D? ?òa?e?íè? è? a ê?ía?eò?eí?ì ??? ê? í? ?eèa??è?? ê ?e?a???íèt êeèòè÷??ê??? ????e?? íè? ??ò??òa?íí?? e? ?è?íóê?è??a a ??? ê?.
  • ? ?ò?e? ???aè?? ?ü á????? òí?? ?????í?íè? ê Guitar Hero III - ???í? Dream On ?eó??? àee??ìèò.
    В Сторе появилась бесплатное дополнение к Guitar Hero III— песня “Dream On” группы Аeросмит.
  • Primary data are used as a rule in statistical compilations, compendiums, reports and the like.
    ??eaè÷í?? ?ò? òè?òè÷??êè? ?? íí?? è????ü?ótò??, ê? ê ?e? aè??, ??? ?a??í?? ?ò? òè?òè÷??êè? e? á?ò, ???ò? a??íè? ?á?eíèê?a, ??ê?? ??a è ò.?.
  • Although Cree ê only occurs long, the script made length distinctions for all four vowels.
    Хотя ê в языке кри всегда является долгим, в письме различается долгота всех четырёх гласных.
  • Although Cree ê only occurs long, the script made length distinctions for all four vowels.
    Хотя ê в языке кри всегда является долгим, в письме различается долгота всех четырёх гласных.
  • With the transition to market relations, the main forms of observation will become censuses, registers and sample surveys.
    ?eè ??e????? ê e?í?÷í?ì ?òí???íè?ì ??í?aí?ìè aè?? ìè í? á?t??íè? ?ò? í?a?ò?? ??e??è?è, e??è?òe?, a?á?e?÷í?? ?á?????a? íè?.
  • ?òó?è? Digital Extremes a????è?? í? a???áù?? ?á??e?íè? ?? ÷êó í?a?? òe?é??e?a è? ??ò?a?ù????? ê a????ó yê??í? Dark Sector.
    Студия Digital Extremes выложила на всеобщее обозрение пачку новых трейлеров из готовящегося к выходу экшена Dark Sector.
  • This will ensure the supply of more reliable data and facilitate and expedite access thereto, in turn contributing to appropriate decision-making.
    Yò? ?á????÷èò ???ó÷?íè? á???? ???ò?a?eí?? ?? íí?? è ?á???÷èò è ó?ê?eèò ???òó? ê íèì.
  • These devices were developed at the request of the Russian State Customs Committee and have been adapted for use in Customs inspections.
    óê? ?? íí?? ò??íè÷??êè? ?e???òa? e? ?e? á?ò? í? ?? ?? ?? íèt ???ó?? e?òa?íí??? ò? ì???íí??? ê?ìèò?ò? D???èè è ? ?? ?òèe?a? í? ê ò??í????èè ò? ì???íí??? ê?íòe???.
  • July 21, 2008, PS3 Gamez ê? ê a? ??ìíèò? í??? aíèé e??è? ?????í?íè? “Gene Expansion” ??? Metal Gear Online ?á?eíó??? ??? Konami ???í?é ê? ò? ?òe???é.
    Как вы помните недавний релиз дополнения “Gene Expansion” для Metal Gear Online обернулся для Konami полной катастрофой.
  • It is proposed to store information relating to all fields of statistics, including both macrodata and microdata.
    ×ò? a ?a?t ?÷?e??ü ???e? ?ò á??ü?ót e??ü для принятия правильных решений ?e?????? ?? ?ò?? ?e? íèòü èí??eì? ?èt ?? a??ì ???e? ì ?ò? òè?òèêè, ê? ê ì? êe??? íí??, ò? ê è ìèêe??? íí??.
  • It is proposed to store information relating to all fields of statistics, including both macrodata and microdata.
    ×ò? a ?a?t ?÷?e??ü ???e? ?ò á??ü?ót e??ü для принятия правильных решений ?e?????? ?? ?ò?? ?e? íèòü èí??eì? ?èt ?? a??ì ???e? ì ?ò? òè?òèêè, ê? ê ì? êe??? íí??, ò? ê è ìèêe??? íí??.
  • As can be seen from the table, the share of depreciation in output fell from 9.7% in 1990 to 0.6% in 1992.
    ê? ê aè?í? è? ò? á?è?? ???? ? ì?eòè?? ?èè a a??ó?ê? ó?? ?? ? 9,7% a 1990 ???ó ?? 0,6% a 1992 ???ó.
  • Different methods of calculation can be used for different kinds of fixed assets, but only one method can be applied to a particular type of fixed asset.
    ê e? ??è÷í?ì aè?? ì ??í?aí?? ?e???òa a??ì??í??? ?eèì?í?íè? e? ??è÷í?? ì?ò???a í? ÷è???íè?, í? ê ??í?ìó aè?ó ??í?aí?? ??í??a ì???ò á?òü ?eèì?í?í ò??üê? ??èí ì?ò??.
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