ì примеры
- The available information is collected by branch and then allocated by sector.
èì?tù? ??? èí??eì? ?è? e? ?e? á? ò?a? ?ò?? ?? ?òe? ???ì è ?? ò?ì e? ??e??????ò?? ?? ??êò?e? ì. - The Slovak delegation is willing to provide more detailed information on these matters if required.
???è ??òe?áó?ò??, ???a? ?ê? ? ?????? ?è? ??ò?a? ?e???ò? aèòü á???? e? ?a?eíóòót èí??eì? ?èt ?? yòèì a??e??? ì. - National-level aggregate indices for commodity groups are calculated by applying population weights.
??? e? ?÷?ò? ? ?e??? òí?? èí??ê??a ?? ò?a? eí?ì ?eó??? ì í? e???óá?èê? í?ê?ì óe?aí? è????ü?ó?ò?? a ê? ÷??òa? a???a ?òeóêòóe? ÷è???íí??òè í? ????íè? D???óá?èêè. - With regard to meat, milk and their products, purchase prices rose by 2.7-3.3 times and consumer prices by 4.6-6.9 times.
?? ì??ó, ì???êó è ?e??óêò? ì è? íè? ?eè e??ò? ?? êó??÷í?? ??í a 2,7-3,3 e? ?? ??òe?áèò??ü?êè? ??í? a?e???è a 4,6-6,9 e? ?? . - It is proposed to store information relating to all fields of statistics, including both macrodata and microdata.
×ò? a ?a?t ?÷?e??ü ???e? ?ò á??ü?ót e??ü для принятия правильных решений ?e?????? ?? ?ò?? ?e? íèòü èí??eì? ?èt ?? a??ì ???e? ì ?ò? òè?òèêè, ê? ê ì? êe??? íí??, ò? ê è ìèêe??? íí??. - ?????í? ???í?êèé Playstation Store ?áí?aè??? e? íü?? ??????íí??? ?e?ê? ÷ò?á? ?eèí??òè í? ì e?ì?éê ?í? ì?íèò?é ?eè?ò? a?÷í?é è?e? Bionic Commando - Bionic Commando Rearmed.
Сегодня японский Playstation Store обновился раньше положенного срока чтобы принести нам ремейк знаменитой приставочной игры Bionic Commando— Bionic Commando Rearmed. - However, there are difficulties with measuring consumption of fixed assets for which no provision is made concerning either depreciation or wear and tear.
??í? ê? a??íèê? tò ????í??òè ??e?????íè? ??òe?á??íè? ??í?aí??? ê? ?èò? ?? ?? ò?ì ??í?aí?ì ??í?? ì, ?? ê?ò?e?ì í? í? ?÷è????ò?? íè ? ì?eòè?? ?è?, íè è?í??. - Different methods of calculation can be used for different kinds of fixed assets, but only one method can be applied to a particular type of fixed asset.
ê e? ??è÷í?ì aè?? ì ??í?aí?? ?e???òa a??ì??í??? ?eèì?í?íè? e? ??è÷í?? ì?ò???a í? ÷è???íè?, í? ê ??í?ìó aè?ó ??í?aí?? ??í??a ì???ò á?òü ?eèì?í?í ò??üê? ??èí ì?ò??. - However, because of the unavailability of information on price changes by type of asset, it was decided to estimate the value of capital consumption as a share in output.
??í? ê?, è?-?? ?ò?óò?òaè? ?èí? ìèêè è?ì?í?íè? ??í ?? òè?? ì ??í??a, á??? ?eèí?ò? e???íè?, ??òe?á??íè? ê? ?èò? ?? ??e?????òü ?? ???? a a??ó?ê?. - The system supplying fuel to the burners must enable them to be turned off from two places, one of which must be outside the area where the refuse incinerator is installed.
?è?ò?ì? ???? ÷è ò???èa? ê ??e?óíê? ì ????í? ?e??ó?ì? òeèa? òü a??ì??í??òü è? ?òê?t÷?íè? è? ?aó? ì??ò, ??í? è? ê?ò?e?? ????í? á?òü aí? ??ì?ù?íè? ó?ò? í?aêè ??? ??è?? íè? ìó??e? . - As a result of it, the State has lost its monopoly in the purchase and sale of grain, while trading in futures and forward dealings have made it possible for producers to conduct their sowing campaign without credits from the National Bank.
? e??ó?üò? ò? yò??? ???ó?? e?òa? óòe? òè?? ì?í????èt í? ?? êó?êó è ?e??? ?ó ??eí? , ? á?? ???? e? ?üt÷?e?í?ì è ??ea? e?í?ì ????ê? ì ???ü?????e?è?a??èò??è ???ó÷è?è a??ì??í??òü ?e?a??òè ????aíót ê? ì?? íèt á?? yìè??è?íí?? êe??èò?a í? ?è?í? ?üí??? á? íê? . - April 1, 2008, PS3 Newz, PS3 Gamez, PS Network ?í? ì?íèò? ? ?èí? ?üí? ? ????íê? “Still Alive” è? è?e? Portal, ê?ò?e? ? ò? ê ???táè?? ?ü ??éì?e? ì ???aèò?? ó?? a ?áí?a??íí?ì Playstation Store 17 ? ?e??? ê? ê ?????í?íè? ê Rock Band. ?ò?èì??òü ?????í?íè? - $0.00, ò.?. ?ê? ÷? òü ?? ì??í? áó??ò ??a?e??íí? á????? òí?.
Знаменитая финальная песенка “Still Alive” из игры Portal, которая так полюбилась геймерам появится уже в обновлённом Playstation Store 17 апреля как дополнение к Rock Band. Стоимость дополнения— $0.00, т.е. скачать её можно будет совершенно бесплатно.